The random number generator speaks: “Henry!” That makes Henry Chet’s FB February Friend. Henry will be the profile pic for the month and his human companion gets a signed copy of A Farewell to Arfs, the latest Chet and Bernie mystery. Next month this could be U! Just send in a photo. R#G does the rest!

5 Comments on “Henry!”
Looking forward to learning all about Henry. Look like snow is one of his fun activities. Either that, or he hates it and tries to levitate over it for the quickest potty breaks ever.
He dies look like all four feet are off the ground!
Fly, Henry, fly! Congratulations on being the FOM! Looking forward to hearing all about you. :^)
Congratulations also going out to Mr. Big, February’s PFOM!
Good evening to all!
Blasted auto correct!!
Henry is airborne! What a cute little guy!