
Trivia Alert! The question – thanks, Mike Farley – was: What’s special about the rendition of “If You Were Mine” in “It’s a Wonderful Woof?”

The answer (nailed by commentor WTAFP): It was played at the Christmas party at the end of the book. Esmé’s dad Malachi is a mathematician and also jazz trumpeter. He handled Roy Eldridge’s solo and Bernie … well, it went like this:

At one point, Bernie found out that Esmé’s dad could play the Roy Eldridge solo from If You Were Mine. How many times did we end up hearing him play that? Bernie took the Billie Holiday part, handled it extremely well in my opinion.

I’m happy Mike came up with that question, and I’ll bet he’d be interested in knowing that it comes up again (from a slightly different angle, of course) in the soccer scene from the next #ChetandBernie novel, A Farewell to Arfs, coming August 6 and preorderable right now!)

“You played Roy Eldridge’s trumpet solo from ‘If You Were Mine’?” Bernie said.
“At your request,” Malachi said. “And you handled Billie Holiday’s vocal.”
“Good grief,” said Bernie, meaning he must have forgotten how well he’d done.