Any experts upon AI out here? What would happen if I fed all the Chet and Bernie novels into an AI machine and asked it to come up with a new one? Would the result be any good? Possibly the best one of the series? I’d better stop now – starting to scare myself.
What If …

7 Comments on “What If …”
I think you should keep writing them.
Good day to all.
I agree with B. AI would completely remove the warmth of your literary voice, and the personalities of Bernie, and especially Chet.
It has warmed up to a balmy 15 degrees in this neck of the woods. It was 2 degrees at eight o’clock this morning. :^0
Create a good day!
You are not the only one who is scared! This ‘brave new world’ absolutely petrifies me. But you have no reason to be afraid of AI ever coming close to your unique talents. Never happen.
We simply need to view Ai as a perp, soon to be wearing an orange jumpsuit and breaking rocks at Northern State Correctional. Chet will have that AI perp by the pant leg and case closed. Enough said!
Actually this is even better. I was having trouble remembering the exact name of the correctional facility that Chet often refers to, so I did a Google search on “Chet and Bernie breaking rocks” and the first thing that came up was labelled as an “AI Overview” If this is the best that AI can do, Peter, you have nothing to worry about:
“In the “Chet and Bernie” mystery series, the phrase “breaking rocks” is often used metaphorically to represent a situation where a suspect or criminal is being punished by being forced to do a hard, menial labor job, usually in a hot and unpleasant environment, as a consequence for their actions; therefore, “Chet and Bernie breaking rocks at” would imply a scene where they are observing a criminal being forced to do hard labor as punishment, likely at a quarry or a similar site.”
Please keep writing them yourself. AI will be the end of creativity. Everything would end up sounding the same.
Just one additional thought. If I can characterize the “AI Overview” in one word — that word would be BORING. Not a word that I would ever associate with anything written by Peter Abrahams/Spencer Quinn.