No Post Today

No real post today. I finished the second Mrs. Plansky adventure yesterday. Now comes revision, which basically happens during the … Read More

Pressure Drop

Pressure Drop, another one of my earlier books, is on digital sale – $1.99!! – for a few days, starting … Read More

How Today Begins

Headed to the gym and then back to Mrs. Plansky 2. Oops, also breakfast. In case you missed it, here’s … Read More

Hard Rain?

Many thanks for all the great title suggestions coming in for the next Mrs. Plansky novel, currently in production (meaning … Read More


Hmm. Sunday already? Time is a big issue as Einstein said, although not in those words. A very smart guy … Read More


What I’m up to these days: I’m writing the second Mrs. Plansky book. I love writing this character. That’s like … Read More

Mrs. P 2

Announcement: A number of readers have been asking whether there will be more of Mrs. Plansky (first seen in last … Read More