On the Road Again

Many thanks to Tina for running yesterday’s event at the Avon Free Public Library, and to all who came. Some great questions and no one threw anything – always my metric for success. I read the start of chapter 8 of A Farewell to Arfs. There was some laughter but maybe I imagined it.

5 Comments on “On the Road Again”

  1. Always a sign of success when you don’t have to duck, bob or weave.

    Today is National Work From Home for Wellness day and National Independent Workers day. OFA being both independent and working from home. I’m sure on the next Mrs Plansky since he has a title and cover art now. And of course, right after that it is another C&B. Two YEARS! I hope we can at least get an short e-story in the meantime.

    It is Freyja Friday so the dogs and I will be going to the park during peak heat. Today is St Roch’s day, the Patron Saint of dogs and unjustly accused people, the disabled and bachelors. Sometimes Saint Rocco. It is celebrated on August 16 in France and Spain but on September 9 in Italy so you still have a chance or a second chance. He was a French nobleman who lost both of his parents to the plague when he was 12. He gave away all of his possessions and estate and traveled around in Italy ministering to the sick. He eventually got sick himself but he survived thanks to his faithful dog bringing him food. When he returned to his home town no one recognized him, so they imprisoned him as a spy and after five years he died.

    The mail is already here, although only packages. The substitute did NOT leave the one and only piece of mail. A bill from Amazon so Cathy will redeliver next week. Not that I need it but I don’t want that number floating around for some thief to use.

    Today I picked four, count them FOUR peaches from my Red Baron peach tree. I ate one for lunch and it was delicious. But I can see why they are only for home growing as they bruise very easily. Same with the apricots if my tree ever starts to have fruit. I will have to check the peach tree every day now as there are still some on the tree but not ripe. Not many so instead of tarts or pies or jam or canning this year I will simply eat them as they ripen. I look forward to next year and hopefully a crop twice the size. The apricot has three more years and if I don’t have fruit by the, out it goes. I had some of my banana bread for lunch too. Even better after being thawed out from the freezer. Too bad I can’t grow bananas. I don’t have the space anyway. The rest of the garden is doing well and I’m hoping to have bed#2 up and running and planted by Monday.

  2. Mom will finally get to start reading the new Chet and Bernie either Sunday or Monday. She is not used to waiting so a bit grumpy about being so busy lately. Can’t wait for her to get started. I will sit beside her and keep her at it. I do love when she laughs out load at Chet!

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