Two approaches to the same end:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. – Martin Luther King
The truth is there’s not much color variety when it comes to humans, not compared to how we roll in the nation within. Take me, for example: mostly black but with one white ear, which I know on account of how many people mention it in my presence. Ever seen a human colored like me? The point is humans go on and on about skin colors when it isn’t even one of their strengths. – from Scents and Sensibility

6 Comments on “MLK Day”
Good day to all.
Chet, you are one smart dude. :^)
About six inches of snow in this neck of the woods.
Good day to all!
Wose: We only got about 2 inches here, but it was preceded by some rain and the temperatures fell dramatically last night (that darn Arctic vortex) and we will not get above freezing until Friday. Result — significant icing everywhere. While the sidewalk in front of our house is clear, we are quite diligent in that regard, but not everyone else is. Needless to say, it is a real icy mess. Franklin doesn’t seem to mind at all, other than that walkies for the next few days may be limited at best, and he will need adjust to being primarily a backyard dog.
So true. Not only are our noses not as good but our hearing is woefully under-dog-level. Let’s not even mention the fur and lack of it.
MLK day. No mail. The dogs are getting locked out front and I am taking down the fence, then replacing it. The only reason they’ll notice is that it will smell like fresh paint.
Once the fence is done I’ll be taking a break and going back to farming. I have overgrowth and grass to clear, holes to dig, trees and seeds to plant and the last two raised beds to build and fill.
I also want to get back to the kitchen. Chef Jean Pierre just released a video today on sauces. I still need to make butter and then fill the ice cube trays with various herbed butters to make life easier. Yep, at 10 dog years I am going to be taking classes to become a gourmet chef. The Steak Au Poivre came out great and I want to do salmon next. Even bought some limoncello for the sauce so today’s sauces video is just in time.
It is also National Penguin day, one of my favorite animals. Would love for Chet to meet a penguin.
And a favorite of mine, National Cheese Lover’s day. While I don’t love them all, I love most of them.
WTAFP: We will be in the deep freeze her too. Overnight temps Tuesday and Wednesday will be in the single digits.
Well, it is very cold here in Idaho’s Treasure Valley, just getting up to freezing temperatures. But it is also very dry, so no driving or walking slips. Still, Jilly wears her little coat, and we take the short route.
I’m so sorry MLK seems to be getting short shrift today. He was a brilliant and upstanding gentleman and deserves to be honored.
Unlike the new leader of our country, a stark contrast.
Chet always acknowledges some of the talents humans have, such as the ability to speak, to count above 2, etc. but we really don’t need to give so much attention to skin color.