Reader Mail

I get some very nice emails from all over – like this yesterday: “I read somewhere that you actually like … Read More


Pareidolia comes up here from time to time, especially of canine-like images. This post is a pareidolia post, but not … Read More

Mrs. P 2

Announcement: A number of readers have been asking whether there will be more of Mrs. Plansky (first seen in last … Read More


Could you call this a Christmas trilogy? (Hanukkah also plays a role.) Maybe not, since Santa 365 is a short … Read More


Are the Chet and Bernie mysteries cozies? I would say no. The angle of entry is hardboiled, if I may … Read More

Bookish Fun

So much fun to be part of the holiday stroll at the Yellow Umbrella in Chatham on Cape Cod on … Read More


On Sunday we do beginnings, taking a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel, including those written under … Read More

Reindeer Games

“Where are they all?” “Who?” “Blitzen, Comet, all the rest of them. Have they gone missing, too?” “Oh, no. They … Read More

Chatham Holiday Stroll

Tomorrow is holiday stroll time in beautiful Chatham on Cape Cod. I’ll be at the Yellow Umbrella Bookstore from 1-3 … Read More

Mitch (More)

Many thanks to Ellen Rohrbaugh Walter for sending this, re Mitch, Chet’s December Friend of the Month. (Don’t forget this … Read More