
Sunday—usually when we take a look at the start of a Peter Abrahams novel including those written under the Spencer Quinn moniker™ but today is Super Bowl Sunday. In Vegas! The NFL always held its nose when it came to Vegas, but money talks, as they say. (A character in one of my earlier books says, “Money talks and it says FU.” Spelled out in the original. I wish I could find the reference but right now my bike awaits its morning ride.) But what’s the over/under on Taylor Swift reaction shots? Restricted to the time between opening kickoff and the clock at 0:00?

Football comes up quite a bit in my work, including briefly in one of the assisted living scenes in Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge:

“A football problem?” Mrs. Plansky said.
“There was an argument about a penalty call,” Jeanine said. “Offensive pass interference, maybe? Is that even a thing?”
“Yes,” Mrs. Plansky said. Jack had played in high school. She knew football.
They walked down the hall on the top floor, a sunny hall with nicely framed prints of clipper ships on the walls. The last door was closed.
“He’s got something wedged against the door knob,” Jeanine said. “We can’t get in.”
Mrs. Plansky knocked lightly. “Dad?”