Ziva (More)

Many thanks to Kristi Murdock for telling us a little more about Ziva, Chet’s April Friend of the Month, and therefore our FB profile pic till May. A signed book always goes to the human companion. In May that could be you! Just send in a pic. The random number generator takes it from there.

“I’d love a copy of Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge, which I haven’t yet read and very much look forward to. Ziva just turned 11, and attended 8 years of Jr. College but never graduated because she kept changing her major, let that be a lesson. She is a registered Therapy Dog and has titles in Nosework and other sports but is enjoying retirement and traveling the continent in a cozy motorhome. Ziva loves a good Mystery and especially enjoys Chet and Bernie but does feel Chet shares a certain, um, impulsiveness with her Padawan, Gabe. TY!”