What’s In A Name?

Ms. Publicist: We haven’t done What’s In A Name in way too long, our little feature where we discuss a character name from somewhere in your work. Maybe the readers have suggestions but for now how about Meelo Morster, the cutting edge high-tech titan who runs the Lunar Imperial Corporation and who appears in A Farewell to Arfs, the next Chet and Bernie novel, coming Aug. 6. What can you tell us about that name?
Pete: I just hope it isn’t too on the nose.
Ms. P: That’s it? What about his Moondog contest?
Pete: I see snow falling out the window. Time to locate the shovel.
Ms. P: Then that’s a quick wrap! Dear readers – A Farewell to Arfs is available for preorder. You may like the scene with Meelo, cold water immersion, and Chet. Chet’s the narrator of the series, for those who don’t know – a dog but not a talking dog! And the series can be read in any order. Pete has a sort of funny thing he says about that, but he seems to be rustling around down in the garage at the moment. See you next month for more – or any! – of What’s In A Name!