Tiberius and Angel (More)

Many thanks for Teri Faillace for sending this about Tiberius and Angel, Chet’s Friends of February. (Sad to see they’re no longer among the living – RIP.)

“Also, about these two adorable dogs: Both Tiberius and Angel are no longer with us, but they lived good, long lives (Tiber made it to 16 and Angel 14), and were much loved and spoiled. We rescued Angel, kept her name, and she was most definitely NOT an Angel–an escape artist and a food thief. Tiberius was a Gentleman’s Gentleman and followed us everywhere. His name reflects our love of Star Trek, from the OG captain, James Tiberius Kirk. We called him Tiber for short. This photo is my favorite of the two of them together and they will live on forever in our hearts. And, no, they were not sad; they were just relaxed and chilling at that moment.”