Note From W. Bore

I hear you: “Oh, no, not more nephelococcygia! Give it a rest!” (Long ago my mom gave me something to read – can’t remember what it was, exactly, but the title was “Confessions of a Wild Bore.) But the thing is some of you are having trouble spotting the canine cloud on the cover of A Farewell to Arfs (the next Chet and Bernie novel, Aug. 6, pre-orderable now!). Look at the top left. Image a little rectangle with the spine side of the book on the left, Without a doubt, etc. at the top, that big A on the right, and Fare at the bottom. It’s right inside the rectangle! In addition, the cover suggests it might be monsoon season. A monsoon comes boiling in in at least one C&B (possibly A Fistful of Collars) but – spoiler alert! – not this one. There! Done!

W. Bore