Following up on the passage pointed out by a reader on the tour – about night from The Sound and the Furry – here’s a little more nightishness from A Farewell to Arfs, the brand new Chet and Bernie novel:
What’s with the moon? Every so often, you see it in the daytime, but the moon prefers the night. Not every night, it’s true. Some nights it’s simply gone. But when it’s hanging around up there it likes to play tricks, tricks that are all about changing shape. My preference is the big round fat moon. Sometimes I just sit out on our patio behind the house and gaze at it. If Iggy’s up he does the same thing, only from behind a window at his place. The sight of that big fat moon, so close, tends to make him howl. I get that, although Iggy has the kind of howl that grows old real quick. Almost before he starts in you can hear shouts rising from houses in the neighborhood. And even from a house or two across the canyon. Iggy’s my best pal for a reason.
5 Comments on “Night (More)”
I love Chet’s moon description. I get up quite early, and if the moon is visible from my window, I will just gaze at it. There is something so peaceful about looking at the bright moon in a velvety dark sky.
A nice stretch of beautiful weather in this neck of the woods.
Good day to all!
Great description Chet.
Good day to all.
I love Chet’s relationship to the moon.
I do love that Iggy too.
When will we get The Iggy Chronicles, Volume TWO? There is a volume one but no volume TWO.
Happy National Cheese Pizza day. I had my pizza on Tuesday on the way home from working out at the YMCA pool.
Today it will be 95 degrees so I am leaving soon for the dog park and the dogs will have to suffer there for 5-6 hours. It will be in the low 80s at the dog park so we may be going there for the entire afternoon every day until Monday when the weather is supposed to break. Tuesday it will be mid 80s, not that that is great but at least better than mid 90s. Needless to say all work has stopped in the yard except for watering which I will do every day. Looks like my prediction of summer lasting until past Halloween will come true. Maybe I will actually get a watermelon, cantaloupe or pumpkin this year. I will have tomatoes, basil and corn for sure. I did get to eat 11 peaches.
When David does his Parkinson’s vocal exercises to keep his voice strong, “MAY! MEE! MYY! MO! MUU!” Little Jilly Bean has started to sing along with him! It does sound a bit like a siren! So cute! She throws her little head back, makes a zero with her lips, and lets it rip! Arooooou! I’ll have to show her the harvest moon!
Try, Kah, Kay, Kee, Koh, Koo. That activates the soft palette. There are quite a few vocal exercises that aren’t as effective as others for voice therapy.
I was a vocal major in college.
If I come across it, I’ll send you a CD I made with examples of vocal exercises from Laura Browning Hendersen. They aren’t just for singers. Anyone needing voice exercises for work or medical also benefitted from her training. She’s passed now but her method lives on. There is a book, How to Train Singers that had a cassette tape with it. I think I converted it to CD at one point.