Indoor Archaeology

Happy NewYear! Last day of 2023 but also last day of the month, meaning last day of eligibility for anyone who wants to be Chet’s January Friend of the Month. Just send in a pic to the FB page. The random number generator takes over from there. The winner is the profile pic for the month and the human companion gets a signed copy of either the latest Chet and Bernie novel or Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge. BUT – in yesterday’s failed cleaning of the office I came upon a short stack of copies of the promotional printed copy of A Cat Was Involved, the e-short story where Chet meets Bernie. All the short stories are digital and audio only except for these very few – but now not quite so few – printed copies. So I’ll sign this one and that will be the prize tomorrow. (This may be a good post to share with friends who might like C&B.)