
“The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of,” Bernie said.

“You son of a bitch,” Captain Stine said. “I’ll drink to that.”

Down at the end of the bar Akbar had been dusting bottles, his back turned to us. But now he wheeled around and hurried over our way. A man of that size—and Akbar was enormous—on the move and in fact moving pretty fast is an alarming sight. I got ready for anything.
“Me, too!” he said. Akbar had one of those powerful voices even when, like now, he wasn’t shouting. My paws could feel that voice through the floorboards. He grabbed a glass, banged it down on the bar and filled it to the brim with that top shelf bourbon. “That’s the best damn thing I ever heard and it happened right here in my own bar.” He clinked each of their glasses, some bourbon spilling, a few drops landing on my shoulder. I licked them off. I’d tasted bourbon once or twice in my career and wasn’t a fan but now found that bourbon mixed with a touch of something Chetish was a different story. You can learn things in this life. All you have to do is be there! Anyone can do it.

(coming Aug. 6, preorders welcome)

13 Comments on “Heart”

  1. Yes, Chet, anyone COULD do it, but some have blinders on and seem to prefer ignorance. You just keep on learning, my friend! You are setting a good example for the rest of us!

  2. Our Lady recently resigned her position after 15.5 years. Today is her last day her busy place. We are hopeful she will consider going into the field of alibis and getaway vehicles as she considers her next steps.

  3. Dear Thieves – Please give our very best regards to your Lady as she leaves her busy place. We know she was an excellent guardian for those she touched in her career. May her next steps bring her freedom – no alibis necessary. Head bumps from Bluecat.

  4. Guts!….It takes a lot of guts to quit a fulltime job..i.snorkel!….My friend did it once and the company she worked for at the time made it very difficult….gurgle! ….But she has been laid off plenty of times when she worked for oil related companies. Also, very difficult in other ways….sniffle!

    Toast!…So here’s to you M’Lady! For your sheer guts and courage ….snorkel!… Enjoy your freedom.

  5. Thieves Lady, celebrate! Congratulations on your 15.5 years in the busy place! Enjoy your well-earned freedom! Join those wily Thieves in a bit of a ruckus!

  6. Thieves! It is never easy being laid off from a job…Grizz and I can both attest to that. I admire the strength and resolution your Lady had to walk away from a job she had held for so long. That being said, I think she will make an excellent getaway car driver.

    Best wishes to your Lady.

  7. I rather like bourbon. Not necessarily to drink straight but I like to cook with it. I once made some spiced apricot w/bourbon jam and it was awesome. I’ve added it to pumpkin pie too. Not sure how a slight Chetish tinge would go over but I’m open to it, perhaps in more of a perfumey sort rather than to imbibe.

    It is National Zucchini Bread day. I’ll bet zucchini bread could be improved immensely with a splash or more of bourbon.

    For those of us so qualified it is also Red Hat Society day, not to be confused with Red Nose day.

  8. Uh…We’ve known our Lady all our lives and even all of our deaths, but when she insisted the Giant set up a trampoline in Rio’s backyard next to the vat so she jump off the roof onto the trampoline and bounce in the vat…well, she’s full of surprises. It’s that kind of outside of the vat think that will serve her as a professional alibi. We also thought the inflatable rubber ducky about her middle was a nice touch. Maybe she will do some on-the-side disguise work for us.

    Last night was our Lady’s first stay in Mother Jail. We have never been more proud. We knew we had it in her. Mother muttered something about apples and trees when she looked at our Lady and us. Our Lady responded, “Oh, we don’t know your served snacks in Mother Jail. Apples sound delish.” Did this lead to more charges? Youse tell us. When we started to text WTAFP, our Lady told us to hold off, that’d been a long 15.5 years and she wanted to extend her stay in Mother Jail so she could recover.

    On an unrelated note, has anyone seen our Protege and her Accomplice. Last we saw them they were bouncing in the trampoline with Bluekat and Rose to see who could bounce the highest. Oh, never mind, Rio just informed us they all bounced onto the roof and are waiting for the Giant to get them down from it.

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