Habi (More)

Many thanks to Mary Duk for letting us know a little more about Habi, Chet’s March Friend of the Month. A signed copy of Up On The Woof Top, the latest Chet and Bernie novel, will be winging its way to her, and Habi is the FB profile pic of the month. In April this could be you! Just send in a pic. The random number generator does the rest!

“Habi is a little under the weather right now, it started with the dreaded butt scrub on the carpet. Yup! He’s currently tormented by that loathsome canine infection and no doubt will soon be in the cone of shame. Habi is long but short so it’s nearly impossible to walk wearing that cone. So, although I’d love to read Mrs. Plansky’s Revenge, I think Habi would rather I read Up on the Woof Top to him while he’s feeling low. Chet’s adventures will be a good distraction from his discomfort. When Habi is healthy he loves riding on my bike, canoeing, camping, hiking, tracking, stealthily watching wildlife, playing fetch (he makes me fetch too), wading, retrieving sticks that aren’t out too far out on the lake and being a couch potato. Interesting fact about Habi: he loves his toys! When fetching he has to squeak them twice before bringing them back, always twice. He never destroys them. At 10 years old he had every toy he was ever given, all intact. I washed half and gave them to our local animal shelter. His mountain of toys was too big for the house! His full name is El Habanero, but we call him Habi (Hobby). That’s my boy! Thank you so much! We love your books! When Habi gets totally distracted during fetch I always think of Chet being distracted by bacon or squirrels!