Gordon (More)

Josie Saxton, human companion of Gordon, Chet’s January Friend of the Month (just send in a pic to the FB page before Feb. 1 to enter for next month), kindly sends us some info about him:

“I had a Redbone named Flash who was getting very old so I was looking for another but wanted it to be a rescue. I waited for two years and the rescue right down the road posted a picture of a Redbone pup just 4 months old. I went the next day to just meet him (ha!) He was just coming out of surgery of having his leg amputated. Apparently he had broken it sometime before and it healed “wrong.” He was picked up as a stray and the vets decided to amputate. Unbelievably, they let me take him home that day. I had Flash so he became Gordon and I threw in the Lightfoot to be a bit cheeky. He lives with me on my sister’s farm with his 4 “siblings.” I adopted another tripod to be his buddy fearing a 4 legged pup might be too much. Her name is Clover.
Gordon is nicknamed “the mayor” by my neighbors because he visits them often and always with a big smile, a hello how are you sorry gotta go got people to see things to do. He is quite athletic and loves to jump on the giant round bales in the pastures, jumps in the back of my truck to help me unload feed and lately has been jumping on the dining table to see what’s there.
I realize this is probably too much info so I will sum up. Gordon is a 4 year old Redbone Coohound tripod. He is always happy and curious and quite playful until the next scent interrupts. He lives with me on a 60 acre horse farm that I help caretake . I have 4 other rescues, one which is also a tripod.”