
Maintaining freshness in a series – I was just talking about this at my recent signing at Gibson’s Bookstore in New Hampshire. Here’s a recent Amazon reviewer of A Farewell to Arfs – the latest #ChetandBernie mystery – touching on the same subject:

5.0 out of 5 stars They just keep getting better.
The trouble with most mystery series is that they tend to become formulaic and stale. But not this series. It’s hard to pick a favorite in the fantastic Chet and Bernie saga but this one’s at the tip-top of my list. The plot is twisty and compelling and the dialogue is as fresh as a Slim Jim right out of the package. The author has a sure hand with his characters, coaxing more humanness from Bernie and more dogness – if that’s even possible – from Chet. Heartwarming, heartbreaking and a must-read. A gem.

3 Comments on “Freshness”

  1. That is an absolutely spot on review and so true. I’ve read plenty of series and after a while they tend fall into a rut of predictability and formula. But not Chet & Bernie and that is what I love about them. That and they never get old, both literally and content-wise. Some time passes but it isn’t really noticeable. Chet will be forever, well not young but in his prime. And Charlie will never grow up of if he does, very, very slowly because Chet won’t.

    Today starts a very short cooling trend. High of only 81 today, 79 tomorrow and 78 on Saturday. I’m going to get raised bed #2 up and running and planted today.

    It is National Burger day and National Pecan Torte day. I have a burger in the freezer but no buns. It is National Take Your Cat to the Vet day and I have no cat.

    I can celebrate Never Bean Better day as can all of us with canine companions. You can read more about it here:

    nationaltoday dot com slash never-bean-better-day

  2. Greetings!

    Great review! I especially like the Slim Jim comparison. :^)

    Rebecca: I hope David is feeling well.

    Another pretty, fall-like day in this neck of the woods.

    Good afternoon to all!

  3. ML, Big Tiny, and Wose, thank you for your concern for my Huny Punkin! I appreciate it so much! ML, when I took his blood pressure and it was 86/56, so low, I fed him an Ensure Max. By the time we got to the Emergency Room, his BP was back to normal range. That protein did the trick. He has learned his lesson and will take those meds with food henceforth. ML, I also have a med that I take first thing in the morning and cannot eat for an hour after. It’s confusing to have different requirements for each pill!
    OFA is getting some excellent reviews on ‘Farewell…’. I’m So glad folks are taking the time to write them. It speaks so highly of the series.

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