For Younger Readers (More)

I wrote two #YA #mystery novels – Reality Check and Bullet Point. The first won an #Edgar. The second, more noirish, did not. But – and I’m only guessing – if I read them now I think I might prefer it. But we’ll never know. I’ll only read over my work when I’m no longer writing and I have no plans for that! (If you know a teenager who doesn’t like to read, foist one of these on them. Especially boys, as I’ve heard from a number of parents and teachers.)

9 Comments on “For Younger Readers (More)”

  1. I suppose that the genre of mystery ties them together, but I just love that an author who can write gripping, dark, nail-biters can also craft tender, whimsical, witty books from the view-point of a dog! That’s a wide range of talent, my friend!

  2. I like reading YA lit. Sometimes it is better than that aimed at adults because I think the authors work harder to keep YA’s attention or feel they are more demanding of a good story. I know sometimes our youth can be a lot more critical and less forgiving than adults.

    Today is Parvo Awareness Day. I have had two Parvo survivors. Caesar, my forever dog, got it at 13 weeks. He was half Doberman and half Labrador. Survival rates for Labs are better than 50/50 and for Dobermans and Rottweilers less than 50/50 so the vet said it was a crapshoot but would do what he could. About all they could do was give him stuff to try to settle his stomach from the vomiting and monitor his fluids and give him electrolytes, etc. Thank fully he pulled through. I have a photo of him when I brought him home which of course I cannot post. After he pass (he was almost 13) a few months later I arranged to adopt Ramses from a rescue. At nine weeks I was just about to pick him up when I got the message that he and all of his siblings had Parvo. I wasn’t able to pick him up until he was almost 13 weeks old. They did send me periodic photos and updates to let me know now he was doing. The man of the house would carry him around in one of those baby hammocks you wear in the front all of the time because he didn’t want him to pass away alone by himself. Ramses lived to be 14 years and 9 months. But he was really clingy when I finally got him and wanted to be picked up and carried all of the time. Can’t imagine where he acquired that habit.

    It is also National Lost Dog Awareness Day, Pet Tech CPR day and National English Muffin Day.

    For those of a more literary bent, it is also Shakespeare Day and World Book Day.

  3. Ole Doc would love it if he was picked up and carried around, but being the biggest of our litter by a lot it didn’t happen. For our Lady’s birthday one year, the Giant picked up Ole Doc and put him on the big bed while she was still sleeping. It was the highlight for them both. Wee Nigel and Ole Doc are still working on the physics that would get Ole onto the big bed using a katapult with Wee as the counterweight. Science is hard.

  4. Ole Doc here. The Giant does have skills and he is strong. What with me being nigh a hundred pounder before I Crossed the Bridge, his strength came in handy. The issue, and we were all aware of it, was that if I got on the big bed, I wouldn’t get off of it. In fact, I’d insist on taking up the entire thing. So, we agreed that I would get the best dog pillow in the best real estate in the living room and all the tennis balls I could steal.

    1. Well, you may have been a 100 pounder but now I expect you could be light as a feather and just float yourself down for a bit of a snuggle on the bed without anyone else being the wiser. Some warm breath on your Lady’s neck and a flick of a lick on the ear, just to let her know.

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